Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Buying Town Houses is an Excellent Investment

A town house may require you to pay association fees to help with the upkeep, but, more often than not, it is well-worth the cost. Most homeowner’s association fees are nearly equivalent to what you’d pay for if you were living in a condominium—they should be relatively easy to pay with good budgeting. Another advantage to consider is that a town house can be more affordable than a new single-family home. Check out the listings of town houses for sale in Myrtle Beach offered by established realtors, and compare the prices of available homes. Town houses actually make perfect beginner homes for first-time buyers and those with a limited budget.

You can also get more for the price of most town homes. A seven-year old town house with fixtures and appliances that have been upgraded, can cost as much as a three decades-old single-family home without the latest upgrades. Additionally, most town houses offer clubhouse amenities, such as a playground, a gym or fitness center, and a swimming pool—benefits paid through your association fees.

Finally, a townhouse has a built-in community. Being a member of a homeowner’s association is a social opportunity that would allow you and your family the chance to meet people and participate in social or business networking. If you’re the sociable type, this is a great bonus for living in a town house.

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